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Repeat timer

It is a repeat timer that will delay function execution and repeat this delay execution runCount times.


import { LiteRepeatTimer } from 'lite-utility'

const timer1 = new LiteRepeatTimer(
() => {
console.log("Repeat timer1 worked " + timer1.runCount + ' times.');
instantStart: false,
runCount: 3,
// After start call timer will work after 5s.

const timer2 = new LiteRepeatTimer(
() => {
console.log("Repeat timer2 worked " + timer2.runCount + ' times.');
2: 10000, // 1 and 2 call after 10s.
6: 20000, // 3 - 6 calls after 20s.
7: 30000, // 7 call after 30s.
instantStart: false,
maxTryCount: 7,
// After start call timer will work after 10s.


fun: () => void, // function.
timeMs: number | RangeTimes, // function execution delay.
params: TimerParams, // extra params.
) {}

type TimerParams = {
instantStart: boolean; // should first function run be instant instead of waiting timeMs delay.
runCount: number; // the final number of function run count after the start() call.
logError?: (...args: any[]) => void; // custom log error in fun.

dictionary <max call count : function execution delay>
2: 10000, // 1 and 2 call after 10s
6: 20000, // 3 - 6 calls after 20s
7: 30000, // 7 call after 30s
type RangeTimes = Record<number, number>;


runCount: number - The function run count after the start() call.


start(): void - Start timer.


If you call start many times instead of restarting, it will lead to the loss of previous function execution control and possible logic errors.

stop(): void - Stop timer.

restart(): void - Restart timer.